First Euro cup this year was held in Germany in well known hole in small town – Plattling. Almost 100 paddlers came from 13 different nations and took place in first of four Euro cups. During the whole week before competition’s week there were gathering paddlers to get the best form in hole. Me and Peter we came in Wednesday’s evening. We couldn’t come sooner because of school. Thursday morning we woke up very early at 5 o’clock. We wanted to practice but there were so many people that paddling early morning was the best solution for us. In Thursday people were still coming and Plattling was filling with kayak paddlers. We met there with our team mates Markus, Gerd and even with Shorschi. Gerd flew there all the way from Spain but unfortunately without his baggage. Airport didn’t send it with him so he needed to wait for it two days. Luckily he could borrow boat and some gear. Markus come there to fight for tickets for World championships, because Germany had there qualifications for WC. Evening before competition come Schorschi. He didn’t paddle but he was there like party maker. And he did it well. Saturday started qualification and semifinals. Water was really low that you could see the rocks on the bottom. This water level was difficult for performing the hard tricks like mc’nasty or phoenx monkey. Foam was very flushy and stick the tricks there wasn’t easy. Gerd didn’t have luck and he lost the spot after trying mc’nasty and didn’t get through semifinal and end up on 13 place. Peter had nice rides and got into final. In women category were really many good paddlers. In the final are three rides and best counts. It was quite thrilling final because girls were doing their bests. I scored in my first and second ride 0 so my last ride was the last chance to improve it. And I did it! After my last run I scored the highest score and win first euro cup in this year.Second was Jutta Kaiser(DE) and third was Maria Lindgren(SWE). Men’s final was also very interesting. Peter had perfect rides and took gold medial also. Second was Seppi Stromeier(DE) and 3th took Thomas Hinkel(DE). C1 win Markus so he made germa team and have sure place for WC. After this successful weekend we moved back to home where we prepare for next Euro Cup. This will be held in Cunovo(SVK) in our home spot so I hope to see you there.
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